Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Asian Thanksgiving Stuffed Squash

This is based on a recipe that my Aunt used to stuff turkeys on Thanksgiving. We call it Brattle Circle Stuffing, and the original includes chinese sausage! Here is a vegetarian alternative (modified 11/16/2010)

1 medium sized squash for stuffing - not too juicy (e.g. Pumpkin or Kabocha, etc)
2 cups uncooked sweet rice (mochi gome)
1 bunch scallions chopped
1/4 cup sherry
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tablespoon sugar
4 oz dried shiitake mushrooms re-hydrated and sliced
1 cup peeled chestnuts chopped (can use dried chestnuts - much easier)
1 cup roasted cashews chopped
1 tablespoon grated ginger
5 cloves garlic minced

Prepare squash for stuffing, by removing seeds, keeping the lid intact.
Cook rice.
Pre-heat oven to 350.
Mix all remaining ingredients in with rice. Adjust soy sauce to taste. Fill the squash with rice stuffing. You can pack it down a bit. Put lid on squash put it in the oven on a baking sheet. Bake for about 2 hours or until squash is done.

Serve with mushroom gravy.

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